We have a Full Moon in Gemini on 27th November 2023 at 9.16 GMT.
Monday 27 November – Full Moon in Gemini 9:16 GMT
Monday 27 November – Mercury square Neptune 12:27 GMT
Friday 1 December – Mercury into Capricorn 13:31 GMT
Saturday 2 December – Mercury sextile Saturn 14:27 GMT
Sunday 3 December – Venus square Pluto 12:29 GMT
Monday 4 December – Venus into Scorpio 17:51 GMT
Tuesday 5 December – Venus trine Saturn 21:51 GMT
Wednesday 6 December – Neptune Direct 12:22 GMT
Friday 8 December – Mercury trine Jupiter 3:08 GMT
Sunday 10 December – Venus opposite Jupiter 2:35 GMT
Monday 11 December – Mercury sextile Venus 18:18 GMT
Tuesday 12 December – New Moon in Sagittarius 22:32 GMT
This Full Moon finds Mercury also in square to Neptune. This adds a layer of confusion and nebulousness to this Full Moon – misunderstandings in communication, which could blow up under the Full Moon, especially since Mercury is the ruler of this Moon in Gemini.
Looking back over the last week, most noticeable has been the thwarted plans and heaviness. This has been Mars-Saturn square. This could manifest through feeling heavier in the body, with aches and pains, or this winter’s coughs manifesting. Taking care of the things we can control such as intake of more nourishing food which will continue to be important beyond the Full Moon’s energy.
The limitations manifest less through procrastination and more through the density and treacle-like nature of reality – in other word road blocks. The Mars-Saturn configuration has forced things to slow down. Outside forces conspire to give us no opportunity to push forward with projects and plans – they instead get parked. Mars is moving on from this square now so this should ease over the next few weeks.
Perhaps this has been a time of dealing with frustration and impatience as we are being held back from things that we want to surge forward. So we are learning to temper our will and get in touch with a relentless quality regardless of what’s in the way. The relentless needs to come from a deeper, slower pace and space. This is how blocks can support us by slowing us down and speeding up our awareness.
There might be some awareness also that we won’t get any early rewards, so it might help to remind ourselves that it’s the long game, to bring down frustration levels. Think long term and work incrementally, with minor achievements making the baby steps forward add up to the larger fulfillment of goals. This is the way to work with the next two year’s Mars cycle. You could say relentless application of will and aligning drivers with objectives is the signature of this Mars cycle.
When the internal meets the external things flow, but to really develop our inner will, aligning it with Divine will, takes a lot of tenacity and avoidance of distractions. We have been given what it takes for this Mars cycle.
So that was last month, and it’s context to the longer cycle. Further to negotiate this month is the upcoming Mercury retrograde cycle beginning mid month, which brings more rethink and deeper deliberation. Mercury retrogrades want us to pause and go deeper also like Mars-Saturn.
This cycle begins in Capricorn where he will help us to gain some structure, create some agendas and again, form some newly aligned goals. As he moves from Capricorn into Sagittarius, we will move to review the broader vision. It feels like Mars and now Mercury are working to really support the right foundations and principles, like putting up the correct scaffolding. It feels like we are getting aligned at multiple levels, a bit like coming back to basics.
Mercury will be in a powerful position all this month after this Full Moon (where he’s in a difficult square to Neptune). So despite going retrograde mid month, he only then orms positive aspects to Saturn, Jupiter and Venus. Jupiter’s bountiful energy is available from 8th to 21st, since Mercury will make a slow forward, then stationary trine to Jupiter, to then move backward into trine again. Most of the month mercurial avenues, such as all things communication, are highly supported. Having said that, it’s not a good idea to buy anything electronic while Mercury is retrograde 13th December-1st January.
These flowing aspects will greatly support the rethinking of strategies. During this Mercury retrograde phase, we can create frameworks, realistic and constructive ways forward, making it a potentially highly productive period. All we need to do is be open to some revisiting and feeling in what’s being asked of you.
Interestingly as soon as Mercury moves out of the trine to Jupiter around 21st, he then immediately meets the Sun’s rays at 0 degrees Capricorn, obviously a pivotal point since it’s the winter solistice and so involves a large degree of change, even more so with the meeting of Sun-Mercury on that day.
This degree point is about demanding recognition. Perhaps it’s also about demanding something from life itself, or demanding something from yourself. When we live in alignment with our will and intention, we live with integrity, honour our choices and take responsibility for our decisions, we are living from a place of commanding life to act on our behalf.
This is very different to wishing, hoping and praying. In the context of the recent Mars-Saturn and upcoming Mercury retrograde, this seems important. Like an embodiment process where we choose our destiny as individuals who define it in alignment with the Divine, rather than be flung about flailing and hoping for the best and praying for Divine intervention.
A note that 26th-27th December could be quite volatile on a communication level since Mercury meets Mars. More on that in the next post.
On 5th December, Venus moves into Scorpio and on 9th-10th she forms an opposition with Jupiter. The Moon also kisses Venus on 9th in the afternoon making it a great day for all things Venusian – great day to buy Christmas presents or go on a date.
That weekend, Venus also makes a supportive sextile link to Mercury, adding in a layer of smooth, reconciling communication and a little fantasy alongside that. There’s an added depth to Venus in Scorpio, and with Jupiter sojourning Venus’ ruler Taurus, it takes the pressure off from Venus, whose journey through Scorpio is not always easy.
That weekend is probably one of the better ones for a few months, where harmony, intimacy and depth will be in good measure. There is a building need to channel these frequencies amidst the now heightening dividing reign of the media and world governments.
Overall, tying things together, the feeling is of going deep this month. Most of what is happening in the larger collective narratives are painful distractions, to take us away from really focusing on what is required of us individually to support the changing consciousness on the planet. If we want the world to metamorphose, we have to begin with the connection to ourselves.
Part of what is required from us is that we focus on our own needs. That means cultivating a connection to ourselves where we know through an inner relationship what decisions to make to keep our lives in check. When you follow yourself deeply and stay close to yourself, you move into greater alignment. Your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical spheres line up. You are less in conflict and in more acceptance.
When we step into acceptance, surrender and compassion for ourselves, we are also more formidable. It allows us to activate our resolve in a deeper, sincere way. Here we do not waste energy on things that are only actually about other people. When we do things for ourselves from a deeper space, we become far more empowered and less of a victim in our lives.
Only when we take up ownership of our lives in this way can we really honour our own path for what it is. We do not need to be anything that we are not. We do not need to judge or compare ourselves. It’s only about understanding the mystery of our own lives and our own unique contribution.
If we are being pushed back, get negative feedback from others, then it’s a sign to pay attention and listen to the guiding principles, intuition and awareness within that helps us come back to what we need to recognise in that moment.
This is the ongoing journey of Chiron in Aries, a longer initiation in this sign than others at nine years. We are in the process of self-actualising and truly coming into ourselves, in the way we need to for the changing consciousness of our earth. Keep honouring yourself in this process and what is being asked of you from your own depth. It’s all we can ever really do.
More on Scorpio Full Moon 2023 see Card Guidance