Sovereign Being™

Be the change & create the change.

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The Sovereign Being is the embodied, aware, lived experience of our spirit. This is beyond the body as it’s the totality of who we are. Led by Divine truth and process, our Sovereign Being goes forth creating meaningful, powerful change. Sovereignty is the realisation that it is all within.

Our Mission

We are born into this world sovereign and with a soul

We are born with inalienable rights – free to think, feel, learn and love

We have infinite worth, value and self-love, and through that express our infinite potential

Freedom is the infinite value of the individual sovereign being

To understand our inherent freedom is to understand our inherent value

Learn more about our mission

The Sovereign Journey.

A Resource To Support You:

At this time of change, we often struggle to find the direction. Discover where you are on the path of sovereignty and then learn how to realign, reawaken, reroot and reclaim rather than plug the holes and gaps

As You Retrace Your Steps:

Moving through the Reeds – realign, reclaim, reclaim & reawaken, you deepen your understanding, inner connection & remember, returning to your sovereignty


Individual & Community:

Let go of old patterns & move forward into experiencing more internal freedom on your path of sovereignty; develop order, structure and clarity within this rediscovery process

“This is such a transformative system…”

Read more about what sovereignty means for others

“I imagine a feeling of being in your own power. As in, the power of your being/existence. It’s like knowing what shape your being is and the satisfaction of having found where you, as your shape, fit in the jigsaw puzzle and so you slot in perfectly. And then feeling able and safe in how you live your life, because the way you live it will fit too.”

~ Chetan

“Sovereign Being to me is about being true. Being true to yourself, knowing yourself, knowing truth. Having principles and an ethos that’s true. Yes it sounds familiar and sounds and feels strong, powerful and big. It’s like no matter what you do it rises up it’s always there, you can never knock it down it’s solid, but not in a hard stone like way but in a light and bouncy way.”

~ Sophie

“Before I started my spiritual journey, I would’ve thought “Sovereign Being” meant to have political rights or a right in the external world **to be granted rights in the system** but only now I can see how much deeper it actually is and how many levels it actually transcends.”

~ Nadia

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