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Healing the Divine Masculine
The Divine Masculine within
provides protection, discernment,
healing and a sense of deep safety and holding,
even through the most uncomfortable circumstances of life.
Your Inner Masculine is going through healing right now,
growing stronger in the ability
to offer you inner protection and stability
so that you Inner Feminine
can blossom with creative expression.

4 of Cups
Recognising emotions. Accepting responsibility. What are you feeling this very moment?
Clarifying, structuring, and unraveling your emotions. Where and when did a positive or negative emotion originate? What are you doing with it now? Do you indulge in it, hold on to it, or exaggerate it?
Observe how emotions affect your well-being. How was a particular feeling created? Halfhearted and superficial feelings can be a virtual maelstrom, pulling you in magnetically. Dark, un-clarified, dull, or clear bubbling emotions.
Learn to distinguish your many feelings. Observe your feelings without identifying yourself with them. Establish boundaries. Emotions that are cleansed and clarified turn into abundance.
The One
Our ability to experience this archetype firsthand is limited. It comes in brief and potent moments that we are left to savor for a lifetime.
The One is both the energy that unites all living beings and our capacity to sense this intimate union. This archetype eludes us most of our lives, appearing as a concept in a distant galaxy.
Yet when we are in the midst of its power, a solemn reverence falls across all the land. We glimpse ourselves in the vastness of all consciousness and are neither important nor unimportant. All duality fades away and we are left with what is – the precious knowing that life is a gift, and we are both the giver and the receiver of its fortune. When light it serves, loves, accepts, resonates. When dark it ignores, omits, excludes.

I Ching
40 – The Way of Deliverance
Excess breeds lack and scarce resources. This is lack consciousness, where we don’t get what we need to survive. But this is a direct root to the Divine inside us. If we cut ourselves off from our own source, our divinity, then we begin to die. Learn not to waste energy and time. We exhaust ourselves in certain areas and do too little in others. As we begin trimming off the excess in our life, we find a healthy balance – we realign. We’ve forgotten how to do nothing, how to be quiet, simple. It takes resolve to stay with something that feeds the soul. We have to change to habits that fuel our soul rather than excessive behaviours that drain our soul. Our job is to find the thing we’re here to do that only we can do. When we finally decide to do it, then we’ll flood with resolve. Tasks won’t drain us, only support us. Everything will come to us. Resolve gives everything a perspective, and eventually liberates us. It drives us along the trajectory that’s natural for us. It carries grace. For Divine Will to forge ahead, we only need one quality – surrender.