Moon guidance card guidance

Aquarius New Moon 2023 – Card Guidance

by Maia Mires

Join us for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign


Rising Sun

A dark phase and struggle is over.

A new phase is upon you –

one of hope, glory, light and triumph.

It is won through boldness and persistence.

You have been through much

and now victory is upon you beloved,

for the Divine Solar Child,

a new consciousness

within you is born.

Isis - Rising Sun
Daughter of flames


Daughter of Flames

My mother gave the gift of song to me.

My father inspiration. My brother rhythm.

Heat and rhythm have made my body fluid.

Tiny particles of light, fire, and air electrify my sphere of life.

From their light I weave silken melodies. Dancing on the periphery well outside of old habits I feel connected to my core.

Jumping into the center I am one with all that exists outside of my perception.

Nourished by milk of a tigress I became strong and gathered the trembling threads of light from my triangle.

While I dance, my boundaries shift and the flower in my bosom opens up. I open my arms and embrace the world.



The Stone

As an archetypal object, The Stone holds psychic and literal weight. Its energy is one of permanence, concreteness, and reliability. The Stone’s ability to transform is nearly imperceptible to us, as it changes ever so slowly over countless human life spans.

A single stone may see thousands of generations come and go; therefore it contains an ancient and eternal presence. The Stone is best used to anchor our wild side, so no matter how far we roam, we can always find our way back.

The Stone tethers us to Earth, helping to ground and connect us to stillness, quiet, and peace. When this card appears, it is likely The Stone is a remedy for what ails us. Humble and easily unnoticed, the power of The Stone balances the frenzy of our world. When light it is steadfast, loyal, committed, present. When dark it is weighted down, holding back, cold.

The Stone - Archetypes
54 - the marrying maiden

I Ching

54 – The Marrying Maiden

Here the path is from base, hunger, driven by greed and the survival of the fittest. It is the ego that keeps us in a space of lack and poverty; on levels of relational, spiritual, and emotional. Every hexagram is simply a mirror. The journey always begins with the ego, the “I need”, “I want”. All we can do is look and see the pattern driving us and then be honest. Greed emerges from a deep lack inside, a deep disconnect and loss of unity. Nothing external will stop the lack, and we will understand that we have to turn inward for fulfillment. Ego isn’t the enemy, it’s a fuel – the booster rocket that one day will launch us into inner space. The 54th hexagram uses the fuel of our greed to propel us to a higher purpose and vision for our lives and the world. To aspire means to seek something higher. The core being to be of service. All the skills and drive learnt from instincts can now be put to a higher use, transformed into higher aspirations. As the path of ascension, which is the gradual refinement of our essence. The intensity of which has to be regularly grounded in matter. Grace will help us find a healthy balance. Here through refinement, we are elevated into serving a higher purpose. Every difficult experience that life brings is transformed inside, in our hearts. To reach the heights, we have to first of all make the ultimate sacrifice and descend to the lowest.




  1. Aquarius New Moon 2023 - Spiritual Counselling - […] Click here for Moon Cards Post […]
  2. Aquarius New Moon 2023 | Sovereign Being - […] More on Aquarius New Moon 2023 see Card Guidance […]

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