Sagittarius New Moon 2023

Aquarius New Moon 2023

by Maia Mires

We have a New Moon in Aquarius on 21st January 2023 at 20:53 GMT. This is a very different year, more on as we go through the year.

Saturday 21 January – New Moon in Aquarius 20:53 GMT

Sunday 22 January – Venus conjunct Saturn 22:13 GMT

Sunday 22 January – Uranus Direct 22:59 GMT

Wednesday 25 January – Sun sextile Jupiter 1:30 GMT

Friday 27 January – Venus into Pisces 2:33 GMT

Friday 27 January – Mercury square Chiron 10:42 GMT

Monday 30 January – Sun trine Mars 1:45 GMT

Monday 30 January – Mercury trine Uranus 2:16 GMT

Wednesday 1 February – Sun sextile Chiron 19:26 GMT

Saturday 4 February – Sun square Uranus 2:50 GMT

Sunday 5 February – Venus square Mars 3:29 GMT

Sunday 5 February  – Full Moon in Leo 18:28 GMT

This is a Supermoon New Moon and the closest to the earth for many years, this will give it an extra kick, alongside the Sun and Moon being close to Pluto which adds intensity.

All the planets are now moving direct after a whole winter of retrogrades. Alongside Mars, this has been responsible for a lot of illness, inertia and rethinking. Some are only just direct and so very slowly moving forward (Mars and Uranus), so we cannot expect things to kick off over night.

Yet it might just come out of the blue, with Uranus stationary direct at this New Moon and the ruler of it.

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However, with all this now increasing the momentum, things will start moving in the direction we need. We have between now and late April to use all this momentum to make choices we’ve been either putting off, or/and unclear about. But, we must listen to our guidance.

If we do not follow our inner guidance, and stay caught up in the societal ideas or influence of what our lives should be, expect to get some wake up calls later in the year, when some of the planets start turning retrograde. From August, we will start hitting challenges, and from October they will deepen.

Remember we are at the end of a huge global cycle, which this New Moon highlights, the biggest the world has ever seen. We cannot expect to have success if we stay with feeding our lower aspects. This is the time to reconnect to your spirit, disconnect from that outside influences, and get that clarity.

None of us know what is in store for us individually this year, but it’s not going to be easy later in the year. If we are still running old patterns or making decisions which keep us tied down, contracted and limited, and we resist our spirit, then it’s going to be a challenging year.

Listening, is paramount. If you are lost and confused, then it is time to surrender your resistance, opinions, fight, rigidity and get help and support to find your way back. Everyone can do this, it doesn’t need to be a long journey, but it might require some specialised help.

Often we exist in such a dream world, a place of indifference and mundanity, following the tried and tested route, where we surrender to our inertia and passivity. This is not the year for that.

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So what didn’t feel right, might suddenly start to feel right, or at least ok. What did previously feel totally acceptable in your lives, might shift to not being right. We can do 180 degrees turnarounds under the influence of Aquarius.

The New Moon vibe is; it’s time for change.

At the same time we have the shift of the Chinese New Year into rabbit, and the Rave New Year according to the Human Design system. So this is quite an important New Moon. Ideally, this year we should be starting new resolutions after this New Moon, as now all the planets are direct.

But always starting resolutions generally after these two other New Years gives them a stronger foundation.

This year brings a lot of pressure and a strong emotional energy. We will be learning to maintain our composure and perhaps wait for things to meet us rather than just going after them. But with Jupiter now hurtling through Aries, giving us a lot of fight, courage and energy to grasp life, we can equally make things happen.

This New Moon has the Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn all in Aquarius. This can feel like a need to break free from our little confined worlds, where we might now feel a contracted sense of purpose, opportunities or even just vibration and frequency.

Mercury in connection with Jupiter and Mars brings an expansion and dynamism, which works to structure our thinking so can create a better environment (inner and outer) for our growth. We have the option now to better discipline our thoughts in order to work things through.

Aquarius energy is a structured thinking energy. It’s fixed air, and part of the higher mind, it receives higher truth and revelations, it forms logical conclusions. We can trust the information emerging from this New Moon energy.

If there are friends, groups, communities or networks that feel important for you to foster, tap into or join, now is the time, as we need to connect our own common goals with others who are like-minded, and start belonging somewhere.

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There’s perhaps a strong desire also to get out of cities. The energy will start getting denser this year, and we will feel it. It really is a time to listen to your guidance and gut, and sense where and what is trying to emerge fresh into your life.

The Saturn-Uranus square is highlighted once again with the strong Aquarius (Uranus) and Saturn (with Venus conjoined) at this New Moon. While there were collective struggles, on a more personal level, we were between a rock and hard place, often immobilised as to whether to stay, stick it out or go, change direction.

Over the last few years, we have all had to reevaluate our friendships and groups, and especially communities. This New Moon is like a reset, or the time for that new direction to emerge. This deeper questioning continues with Venus in Aquarius with Saturn.

Venus and Saturn ask for a commitment to self-love, to creating the conditions both inside and outside, through discipline and focus, to come back to yourself, to avoid veering strongly off track at this difficult planetary time. It’s a time for resetting intentions to putting ourselves, the supportive practises, at the centre or foundation of our lives.

We all need to work out what we need to surround ourselves and our loved ones with for feeling of supportive community to grow. We are becoming increasingly aware of the need to reconcile conflicting individual realities, and sometimes the impasse of this, which eventually leaves us empty and asking is there something better.

While we need to continue working on reconciling our different perspectives, see things from different angles, we also need to now begin creating our own new lives, with people who truly reflect where we are at. It doesn’t mean no arguments, but it does mean common goals.

The 21st December 2020 Jupiter and Saturn conjunction is highlighted by this New Moon as it’s at the same degree. That conjunction was the beginning of a new 200 year cycle. What entered into the peripheral of your life then, might begin to form more substance now.

Additionally, this conjunction represents our whole body, mind, soul, spirit make up. It is essential that we see ourselves as more than just a body of physical make-up. We are Divine angelic energy beings, this is our essence, without this, we do not exist. It is time to ensure your whole being is in order.

Are you connected into your angelic aspect, is she able to reach you, is your energy flowing, or do you feel stagnant. Spiritual connection and hygiene is core from this point on. Without it, we will struggle. Put it at the centre, it’s time for the reset, no more excuses, we do not have that luxury anymore.

Uranus in direct motion the following day of the New Moon, unleashes this stimulating higher mind energy, catapulting us into higher connection. Without an embodied, integrated connection to all our inner aspects though, this could be quite destabilising.

This is a time to meditate and spiritually cleanse, to call upon the highest spiritual creator beings to bring you back together, and to release all that you have accumulated.

More on Aquarius New Moon 2023 see Card Guidance



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