Join us daily for the a spirit led journey into what it means to be sovereign
Lady of the Stars
Sirius is a
celestial goddess,
a star of unconditional love
and wisdom at an
extremely high vibration.
She brings
deep soul awakening
spiritual gifts
and a high capacity
of divine service.
She asks you to pay attention,
because something significant
is taking place
at a spiritual level for you at this time.

The Crone
Aging as spiritual journey.
The soul listening
inward through the ear labyrinth.
Listening to the
voice of the heart
– place of knowledge and wisdom.
The old traveler
on her way to the point of oneness,
where she touches
the cosmic whole.
Wingless flying straight into the heart.
Every step is perfect.
The Desert
The Desert leaves us disorientated, desperate for direction, grasping for meaning, longing for solid ground.
For endless miles we are confronted with a lack of clarity and existential dread.
We are thirsty, hungry, pleading with life to get back to normal – to become animated by the simple pleasantries of day-to-day life.
The Desert offers no such comfort, and all must pass through it.
If you can embrace the discomfort of the Desert knowing you will, someday, reach water again, you can tap into the potent energy of the landscape.
Its lights are blindingly bright and its darks terrifyingly deep, which makes for unbridled creativity and clairvoyant visions.
Truths reside in The Desert that otherwise remain hidden.
The crows, the shadows, and the coyote’s call surround you. Let the winds and sands work their deep magic, weary traveler.
When light it is surreal, strange, unexpected visions, silence.
When dark it is drying, deadening, disorienting, isolating.

I Ching
60 – The Way of Realism
This Gene Key and its Dilemma is all about keeping balance.
There’s an upward force in our nature, a drive to extend, evolve, stretch, reach, and fly. But there’s also a counter-force of constriction, limitation, pessimism, resignation and tightness. It’s like the darkness of space and the light of the Sun. Too much Sun and we burn, too much darkness and we shrivel. It’s all about finding balance.
We can use structures, but we mustn’t fall victim to them. That’s how we find freedom.
The first layer is always your mind. How does your thinking limit your mind? Once our frequency rises through vibrations of possibilities we touch on the next layer, emotional patterns. Behind all this emotional pain, lies love. When love comes alive again in us, then we begin to crack open the final layer, the physical coding – light pours through us and that’s when the Siddhis arrive.
The Gift of Realism is about being able to take advantage of structures. It also knows that the structure is a means to an end. It sees the paradox of its position. It needs a structure but knows that all structures are ultimately doomed!
All roads lead to death – that is realism!